We’ll share our knowledge of storytelling so you can capture yours

We want to empower communities with immersive technologies to tell their stories to the world


AnueX has had the privilege of capturing the sacred and important stories of Elders and Traditional Owners in high definition Virtual Reality with broadcast quality audio; so future generations can relive the experience, immersed on country.

Virtual Reality (or ‘VR’) records video in 360 degrees (all around) and is then played back on special headsets. When you play the recording on the headsets, you can look around as though you are ‘on country’ and hear clear sounds.

Our recent projects in Far North Queensland and Central Australia saw us invited to do this, with the content exclusively captured for the community.

Senior custodians invited us to important sites where dances were enacted and storylines were carefully retold all in high definition stereoscopic (3d) with voices and dances carefully captured by our resident sound engineer.

It’s the start of a journey that we want to see the community take over with training and support!

Why virtual reality?



Connect those stories of country to digital maps


Create cultural inductions for visitors and staff


Digital installations for art and cultural centres


Our three packages


Discovery session

A great first step if you’re new to all these new technologies and want to test drive them

Benjamin and the team will visit your business or organisation with some sample equipment and walk your team through the pros and cons of each technology. These sessions are an excellent way to get conversations on track and give your team a taste of what’s out there in the marketplace!

Typically 1 - 2 hours - POA


Full day strategy session

Ideal for clients with clear objective wanting expertise to align immersive technology options

These sessions typically involve an initial consultation and project brief with the client, followed up a full day workshop with relevant team members and a follow-up report or advisory on options and costings moving ahead

Typically 25 hours consulting - POA


Training packages

Learning packages for clients who wish to create content in-house

Some of our clients such as educators or those based in remote areas are choosing to invest in hardware and software to build capacity in-house. Anuex works with industry training partners to support clients in this transition



Our business is providing immense value and confidence so your business can take advantage of these powerful technologies

Key Projects and Advisory Roles

» Ongoing consultancy, development, technical planning, of mining specifc virtual simulators utilising physical hardware equipment and accurate 3D BIM models of mine infrastructure, site works and disaster modelling.

» Ongoing consultancy, development, technical planning, of mining specifc virtual simulators utilising physical hardware equipment and accurate 3D BIM models of mine infrastructure, site works and disaster modelling.

» North Queensland Representative at the Global Smart Cities Technology Summit and Expo - Taiwan

» North Queensland Representative at the Global Smart Cities Technology Summit and Expo - Taiwan

» Consultancy for setup of a new immersive media division » Sales process development including staff training program development workshops and seminars » Client consultancy and ‘big picture’ marketing idea planning.

» Consultancy for setup of a new immersive media division

» Sales process development including staff training program development workshops and seminars

» Client consultancy and ‘big picture’ marketing idea planning.

» Technical advisory for implementation and procurement of virtual and augmented reality programs for engineering training and equipment induction for aviation engineering students » Development of an augmented reality engine for 3D visualisation of…

» Technical advisory for implementation and procurement of virtual and augmented reality programs for engineering training and equipment induction for aviation engineering students

» Development of an augmented reality engine for 3D visualisation of textbook materials.

» Ongoing consultancy, development of an immersive media international student recruitment strategy and multicampus virtual tours » Virtualised staff onboarding and inductions for various faculties within the organisation. » Advised on Immersive med…

» Ongoing consultancy, development of an immersive media international student recruitment strategy and multicampus virtual tours

» Virtualised staff onboarding and inductions for various faculties within the organisation.

» Advised on Immersive media social media promotional strategy

» Development and implementation of virtual reality induction and training simulator, workforce compliance and assessment tools

» Development and implementation of virtual reality induction and training simulator, workforce compliance and assessment tools

» Water infrastructure training and induction program. » WaterWhys education bus technologies including virtual tour touch screens, web and mobile apps hardware touch panels integration.

» Water infrastructure training and induction program.

» WaterWhys education bus technologies including virtual tour touch screens, web and mobile apps hardware touch panels integration.

» Virtual Reality induction media development and hardware supply

» Virtual Reality induction media development and hardware supply